Monday, December 05, 2005

Maureen Dowd

You know that you've made the big time when your 'blog is referenced so blatantly by a nationally syndicated op-ed columnist that it becomes the title of her piece. Maureen Dowd, in Truthout today, has an article appropriately titled W.'s Head in the Sand. Now, I know that I'm becoming influential here in the "blogosphere", and I know that some people are starting to take my opinions as gospel truth, but please, Ms. Dowd, although I appreciate the adoration, it's a bit much. I mean, as wonderful as it is that you admire and esteem me so highly, to name an article after my blog (to say nothing of the fruit baskets or flowers I keep getting from a certain "M.D.") seems a little bit--oh, how do I say this so as not to offend--"pandering to the powers that be", don't you think?

Sure, I know that there are those of you out there questioning whether or not this is really a nod up the food chain to yours truly, but lets look at a couple of quotes:

This week, the president presented a plan-like plan for "victory" in Iraq, which Scott McClellan rather pompously called the unclassified version of their super secret master plan. But there's no way to achieve victory from the plan even if there were a real plan. If this is what they're telling themselves in the Sit Room, we're in bigger trouble than we thought.
Could it be any more obvious? For quite some time now I have been pointing out the problems in the Bush administration that comes from their lack of a coherent vision of our policy in Iraq. And have I or have I not been saying that we're in bigger trouble than we thought? That's what I thought.

Or how about this gem of adoration that Miss Dowd tosses out so cavalierly:

The administration must realize it needs a real exit strategy... [c]urling up in a ball. Good National Strategy for Victory.
Haven't I been practically screaming that the administration needs a real exit strategy? And haven't I been making a case that the administration itself realizes it? And the entire "curling up in a ball" reference--doesn't that sound like just about every post I've had on the administration's response to every setback in Iraq?

Or how about this:

o...h... [Mr.] G...l...e...a...s...o...n... y...o...u...r... b...o...d...y... is... so... h...o...t... [I]... w...a...n...t... to take... y...o...u...r... l...u...s...t...y... l...o...i...n...s... and g...r...i...n...d... them... against... m...y...
and she goes on and on like this. I think that the message is clear, Miss Dowd, and I think that all of America is reading it, loud and clear. You ask the question, in your new book, "Are Men Necessary?" Well, Miss Dowd, when it comes to one man, I think we all know where your heart really lies.


Blogger Mia said...

Ummm hummm ummm hummm as my significant other is so found of saying to me, "'tis all about you baby all about you!"

Wed Dec 07, 01:55:00 AM 2005  

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